Our last stop of the tour was the railway town of Smithers, where we were welcomed by the warmest and friendliest of locals.
Because this was the last stop on our tour, we had become seasoned in finding exciting adventures for ourselves. Smithers offered us a beautiful nature walk along the Buckley Valley river and through fairytale like birch forests. We spent about 20 minutes examining and admiring the brilliant array of colours among the river bed rocks.
The Della Herman Theatre where we performed is housed in the town's sole secondary school. I sensed that we all became slightly frightened as our traverse across the cafeteria transported us back to our teen years. Rehearsal, however, plopped us right back to real life as the tech team worked to fit the show into the space, while we continued to temper and polish a couple movement sections. Part way through the day a power outage ceased any productivity in the theatre, so an extra long dinner was warranted while we waited for the lights to come back on!
The Hudson Bay Mountain: the scenery on our walk home! |
We ended up performing to a very full house, thanks to an eager community including a large group of exchange students from Quebec. Also thanks to Miriam, David and Tiffany for their work in outreach (Dave's radio interview and Tiffany's workshop). The show was followed by yet another very engaging talk-back, and dinner at the Aspen where we also celebrated Craig's birthday!
Miriam (Smithers' outreach coordinator) baked this scrumptious chocolate cake for Craig's birthday. Secret ingredient: sour cream. |
Cool ! I like it.