Dancers Dancing is gearing up for a May 7 Made in BC presentation in Nanaimo of Voices in Motion, Bodies that Sing. With music by, Bergman, Tormis, Bach, Poulenc and a new composition by Peter Hannan, the show is a full length evening with five dances by choreographers Serge Bennanthan, Judith Garay, Rob Kitsos, Anthony Morgan and Simone Orlando.
Artistic Director Judith Garay, whom Made in BC audiences will remember from our inaugural year of touring in 2007, graciously answered my e-queries.
C: What Inspired you to make Voices in Motion, Bodies that Sing?
J: The inspirations for Voices in Motion, Bodies that Sing are many and varied. Initially conceived by Eric Hannan of the Vancouver Cantata Singers and myself it also includes inspirations by all five commissioned choreographers, one commissioned composer and six dancers. The one central theme is the body. Dance and choral music are both produced by the human body. Though each work is expressed through different themes and approaches the beauty, passion and human spirit shines through in each work.
C: What's exciting to you in dance right now?
J: Some of the things I find exciting in the dance milieu right now are the plethora of changes, approaches and abilities of dance artists. As artists in a living art form we continue to evolve, adapt, create and recreate no matter what the circumstances.
Photo of Dancers Dancing by David Cooper
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