The BC Liberal government has made sudden and devastating cuts to arts funding in the province. 85-92% of core provincial funding for arts and culture will be cut by 2012, from both tax-based (BC Arts Council) and non-tax based (Gaming) streams.
What's devastating to us about this, aside from the loss of jobs for artists and cultural workers, is the loss of access to arts and cultural experiences for British Columbians. The grey square you see here has become a symbol for this world without arts and culture.
Tomorrow: Come join us at a silent rally in support of the arts
In Vancouver: 12 Noon at the Vancouver Art Gallery
In Victoria: 12 Noon Johnson & Blanshard Streets
For more advocacy details:
The Alliance for Arts and Culture
Facebook Group
A Case of Dance (PDF Document)
Some articles we've found useful:
In the Province:
Government is gambling with other people's money: Why the Liberals' gaming-grant shenanigans are everyone's business
In the Tyee:
Who Needs Art, Anyway?
Flex Your Muscles, BC Arts Community
On Plank:
BC arts cuts - gaming money evaporates effective immediately
The Rossland Telegraph:
Editorial: What the hell is going on here?
Most elected officials are people in our communities that are trying to do a good job and need to be reminded about what is important to us. Help us remind them!
Click here to find your MLA and their contact information.
Include Premier Campbell, Minister Krueger (Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts), Minister Coleman (Minister of Housing and Social Development) and Minister Herbert (opposition critic for Tourism, Culture and the Arts) in your correspondence.
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