Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Made in BC - Dance on Tour hosts Joe Ink/Move It! in Terrace, BC

Hello from Terrace! We (Naomi Brandt and Anna Kraulis) flew here in mini plane on Sunday evening. We were greeted by our lovely host Lisa, who gave us the tour of the town.

Monday morning we began our residency at the Sportsplex with an adorable and rambunctious group of pre-schoolers, who were super keen to dance with us and share their moves. Highlights included the shape game, dance “painting” with body parts, and of course the always popular freeze dance.

From pre-schoolers we changed gears completely with a group of 30+ older adults, who were in fact equally enthusiastic and energetic! We really enjoyed their creative and playful spirits and openness to new ideas. They also love performing for each other and we plan to put together a informal "showing" for the last day. 

After finishing at the Sportsplex, we topped the day off with a hike up Terrace Mountain, complete with a beautiful view of the town and fall colours. On Tuesday, we continued our work with the pre-schoolers and older adults and also taught a great group of homeschooled kids. Tomorrow we look forward to sharing Move It! with dance students from local studios. Until the next time!