Smithers had 67 people come out to celebrate International Dance Day with a FlashMob organized by Miriam Colvin, Dance Outreach Coordinator for Made in BC and BV Concert Association.
The momentum builds, last year there was a crowd of only 40...This year we surprised people with dance at the BV Credit Union, Bugwood Coffee and the Smithers Trade Show.
“The turn out of over 60 people to learn this year’s FlashMob delighted me. There was even one mother and father dancing together with their 4-month old baby boy. One beautiful woman told me that she decided to dance because she saw the video of last year’s FlashMob. She decided there wasn’t enough gray hair represented in the Mob, so she came out. We are playfully broadening who is a ‘dancer’ and the many ways we can enjoy watching contemporary dance in Smithers.”
– Miriam Colvin
"I loved being a part of it and it truly brought people together through dance! I remember making some mistakes and at first thought I messed it all up....then realized the whole purpose wasn't perfect synchronicity, but happy smiling people having fun with dance, so I've forgiven myself and smile to think I was a part of that event. It was fun!"
-community dancer, Cheryl Hofweber
“Wow, the FlashMob dance was the BOMB ! I wish I had the courage to get up and dance. It was AMAZING - I MEAN AMAZING !
-unsuspecting citizen, Rose Silvey
The whole performance had a great vibe and a ton of energy to it. So much to watch but even better to dance it.
-community dancer and observer, Janet Blair