Thursday, March 10, 2011
Town Hall discussion on risk and adventure @ VIDF
Town Hall Discussion: Cultural Pluralism in the Arts
Saturday, March 12, 1- 3 pm
"Meeting at the Crossroad of Risk and Adventure"; artists and audiences in conversation
Hosted by Kokoro Dance and the Vancouver International Dance Festival
Roundhouse, Exhibition Hall
A Town Hall meeting exploring the tipping point between attraction and fear in encountering new and unfamiliar art forms. This is a unique opportunity to invite your audience, your volunteers and steadfast supporters, to engage in a frank and lively discussion on the burning question for art-makers and marketers - how do people make the journey from unengaged to curious and then to committed audience?
Featuring some of the most innovative art-makers in Vancouver. Don't miss this timely discussion facilitated by Charles Smith*
Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Centre
(corner of Davie and Pacific)
*Charles Smith is Artistic Director of Cultural Pluralism in Performing Arts Movement Ontario (CPPAMO) a movement of Aboriginal and ethno-racial artists working with presenters to enable audiences to access artistic expressions from diverse communities on a regular basis.
Presented by urban ink, organizer of Th'ink Tank Sessions on cultural pluralism in the arts.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Dance exhibit in Kitimat

Dance Impressions is an example of a locally conceived and executed Outreach Event. This event integrated dance and visual art.
1. Dance teacher visits classes in local schools to teach dance workshops. (Sponsor: Made in BC)
2. Art teacher visits the same classes and guides students in the expression of their dance experience through art. (Sponsor: KAFY)
3. Mayor opens an exhibit of the art in the local Mall.
4. Press release to local papers.
Participants: 80 local elementary school students
Local organization/business involvement: Kitimat Arts for Youth (KAFY), schools, City Centre Mall
Due to the success of Dance Impressions, we decided to make it an annual outreach event.
Below is the Press Release for Dance Impressions 2010:
Mayor Joanne Monaghan opened an art exhibit titled “Dance Impressions” in the Lower City Centre Mall last Saturday. The exhibit showcases the work of local elementary school students who took part in contemporary dance workshops and then used their dance experience to express themselves through art workshops. Huey-lin Guizzo presented the idea to principals and teachers in the elementary schools. They were very supportive and the project was incorporated in the fine arts curriculum in the schools.
The contemporary dance workshops were led by dance teacher Leah Correia. She found the experience very rewarding, because it gave her the opportunity to teach dance to students who would otherwise not take part in dance classes. In the following weeks local artist Eileen Hutson led the art workshops in the schools. Under her expertise, the students expressed music, dance and movement through art. Through the generosity of the City Centre Mall management, their inspiring work is now on display for all to enjoy in the “Dance Impressions” exhibit.
The sponsor for the contemporary dance workshops was Made in BC-Dance on Tour. This organization creates awareness of contemporary dance and strives to build audiences for this dance genre by supporting contemporary dance companies and enabling them to tour areas outside the large cities. Anna-Marie Carstens is the local Made in BC dance outreach coordinator.
The art workshops were sponsored by Kitimat Arts for Youth (KAFY), a local non-profit organization. KAFY’s mission is to bring the arts to Kitimat children. They promote both visual and performing arts. Louise Avery is the president of KAFY.

Anti-bullying Flashmob
Salt Spring dancers flashmob the grocery store
Anna Haltrech writes:
Salt Spring Island gets 'mobbed' on the last weekend of February in memory and celebration of the 2010 Winter Olympics. Dancers filled the produce aisles at the Country Grocer to the delight of the unsuspecting shoppers. This flash mob was made possible by a B.C. Arts Council Spirit Festival Grant, the Salt Spring Arts Council and ArtSpring.
The choreography is by BC dance artist Amber Funk Barton. It was first mounted by Crimson Coast Dance Society as part of its annual InFrinGinG Dance Festival, 2010.
Salt Spring Lobby Dancers re-create the dance set to original music by Ian Van Wyck.