We've got the windows open, it's hot and summery for my inaugural MiBC blog posting! Here's a dance I've been thinking about....
Still lingering in the downtown Vancouver sunshine is the dancing ghost of Montreal's Paul Andre Fortier, who recently brought his Solo 30x30 to the Dancing on the Edge Festival. Paul Andre danced a 30 minute solo, every day for 30 days, on the same street corner outside the downtown public library. As in other cities around the world where Paul Andre has performed this piece, passers by were treated to the elegant and playful presence of one of Canada's veteran choreographer/dancers, and a unique sense of community began to build.
I lost track of how many times I stopped by- the shows were free, and the ritual dance became part of my afternoon routine, even when I couldn't attend. During the first few weeks of the show I was also part of a choreographic workshop sponsored by the Dance Centre, with Paul Andre and rehearsal director Ginelle Chagnon as generous mentors. As I was trying to figure out my own choreographic puzzles in the studio, it was inspiring to see them return, again and again, to the same spot, at the same time, every day.
An echo remains in the space now that it's done. Check out Ginelle's daily account of this beautiful feat!
Photograph by : Steve Bosch, Vancouver Sun, via http://fortierdanse.blogspot.com/